
Last Update: May 29, 2022
Created: Jul 20, 2021

3 People
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Andy Score

Andy score above 40 is suitable for health and slimming

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Nutritional value table for one person (Per serving Gram)

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Macronutrients Unit Amount Daily value
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Vitamins Unit Amount Daily value
Aminoacids Unit Amount Daily value


(Keto Queso Dip) Has fair amount of nutrition.
With one serving (270 gram) of it you will receive 47 percent of your total daily nutrition needs and 896 calories.
If you are looking for
Calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamin A, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Valine, Glutamic acid, Proline, ???
Keto Queso Dip is what what you are looking for it is rich of them.
By clicking on the name of nutrition in the nutrition table you can see which ingredient has the most of that resource.
This recipe is also a good resource of ,
protein Zinc Vitamin D Riboflavin or Vitamin B2 Vitamin B-12 Threonine Isoleucine Leucine Lysine Methionine Phenylalanine Histidine serine
What ANDY SCORE (15) is telling about this recipe ,
It has very little amount of nutrition compared to its calorie and specially if you are dieting should avoid using It to keep in calorie limits.



    This recipe has high amount of calorie if you are in diet take it in consideration.
    Try changing oil to other healthier types!!!!!
    Sodium in this recipe is high try using less salt to reduce it.
    High Cholestrol check it in the nutrition table to see if you can reduce it by changing ingredient or its amount
    Low Carb level suitable for Keto diet
    With NUTRISETUP recipe ingredient editor you can add or delete ingredients to have healthier recipe to prepare.
    Click the source tab below to see how to make this recipe or watch the video.
    Enjoy and stay healthy.



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